All music below is composed by Michael Kissinger.  "CLICK" on a piece of music to print and examine the first few pages for free.  If you like it, you can buy the entire piece.  All scores are $40 for downloadable .pdf files.  This is a SINGLE USER purchase.  When you purchase a score, you have the right to make unlimited copies for exclusive use by your School, Church, Civic Choir, or Ensemble.  You may not share, distribute or make copies for other organizations or individuals.  You will receive a COMPLETE downloadable score when you complete your purchase.  We hope you enjoy the music!

The Way by Michael Kissinger
Eleven by Michael Kissinger
Did I Hear My Lord? by Michael Kissinger
Holy Infant, Holy Child by Michael Kissinger
Ballad For Benny by Michael Kissinger
Hosanna To The King by Michael Kissinger
God Spoke! by Michael Kissinger
In April by Michael Kissinger


The Rose Of Sharon by Michael Kissinger
Fishermen Of Men by Michael Kissinger
In The Beginning by Michael Kissinger
A Christmas Suite For Children by Michael Kissinger
Punkin' Pie by Michael Kissinger
Twelfth Man Blues by Michael Kissinger

Music for Jazz Orchestra and Small Jazz Combo:

Merry Christmas Morn! by Michael Kissinger
Jesus Christ Is Born This Day by Michael Kissinger
Easter Anthem by Michael Kissinger
Psalm 136 by Michael Kissinger
Prayer by Michael Kissinger
Bop For Tom by Michael Kissinger
Come To Me by Michael Kissinger
Psalm 121 by Michael Kissinger
Christmas Bells by Michael Kissinger
Psalm 18 by Michael Kissinger
The Promise by Michael Kissinger
The Well of God's Salvation by Michael Kissinger
A Man On The Water by Michael Kissinger
Lullaby Ballad by Michael Kissinger
Mass For The Family by Michael Kissinger
Benny's Blues by Michael Kissinger